My All Time Favorite Journals
By: Dominica Reid
Image: Dominica Reid
As most of you know I’m a journal fanatic. I’m constantly promoting journaling for self-reflection, giving gratitude and personal improvement. Currently I own and use four different types of journals and if I had the time I would most definitely add more. Whenever I suggest journaling to people I hear the same concerns and comments: “I’m too busy to Journal”, or “I don’t know how to express myself in my writing”, or “How do I know what to write”. With all of the different journals out there you are sure to find the one that is a good fit for you and your lifestyle. Here are some of my all time favorite journals.
Image: Dominica Reid
1.) The Five Minute Journal
This Five Minute Journal was given to me by my soon to be sister in law as a birthday gift. It is the perfect journal for those who don’t have the time to journal, as well as don’t know what to write about. Each day in the journal is broken down into two sections, which as the name suggests takes about 5 minutes (if not less) to fill out. The first section needs to be done in the morning after you wake up, and the second one is filled out before you head to bed. In the morning section you write down three things that you are grateful for, three things that would make your day great, and a daily affirmation that will inspire you throughout the day.
Image: Dominica Reid
2.) The Yoga Journal
This one is for my yogis! This little journal is jam packed with awesomeness, and is excellent for yogis of all skill levels. In this journal you can track your progress, take notes on improvements, as well as journal how you felt during your practice. I also enjoy the sections where you can rate different yoga studios, create a yoga playlist, and track your medical conditions. This Yoga Journal is a must have for every seasoned yogi as well as beginners.
3.) The Self-Improvement Journal
Keeping a journal for self-improvement and self-care can be so so helpful! In the past I would write down all of the things that upset me throughout the day. I would then reflect on how I could’ve solved this problem with my own actions. Could I have handled the situation better, or could I have asked someone for help etc. I would then meditate on the situation and try to find peace. This type of journaling can be tough as it takes a lot of self-awareness anda willingness to accepts ones faults and strengths. So if ithis is difficult for you I would suggest getting the journal Start Where You Are: A Journal of Self-Exploration by Meera Patel. This awesome journal is jam-packed with interactive exercises that help the writer mindfully self-reflect by writing, drawing, and answering open-ended questions. This b
Image: Dominica Reid/Caleb Morris
4.) Dream Journal
I never gave keeping a dream journal much thought until my undergraduate psychology class. My professor wanted us to keep a dream journal for a month and then write about our experience. I didn’t think much of it as I never really remembered any of my dreams any way, but to my surprise once I consciously made it a point to keep track of my dreams it became effortless. This journaling experience is now a part of my routine. I use it to keep track of my emotions and feelings. Sometimes we keep a lot of emotions and stress in our life unaware to us and our dreams are a way to process them. Thus keeping a dream journal can help you stay aware of your emotions, and how to solve stressors in your life.
So next time you want to learn why you feel a certain way, or you want to keep up with your work out routine, pick up a pen and paper and start writing. Pour your heart and soul out on those pages and be amazed at how your mind, body, and life will transform.
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