My Favorite Dry Skin Remedy
By: Dominica Morris
If you’re anything like me then dry skin is a constant battle. I’ve tried everything from extra moisturizing lotion, to facial scrubs, to of course drinking more water. Yet to no avail none of it worked, and I came to the conclusion that dry peeling skin would be a part of my daily existence, until I happened to stumble upon Natures’s Bounty Hair, Skin, & Nails pills. As many of you know I’ve been on a natural hair care journey since January of 2018. I had stopped chemically straightening my hair, and had switched to better hair care products. As I learned more and more about natural hair care, I kept hearing other naturalistas rave about using hair vitamins with biotin to promote healthy hair growth.
I wasn’t too worried about my growth since my hair was growing thick and fast, so I kept pushing off buying the pills. Until about a month ago, when I stumbled across Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, & Nails pills with biotin. Not concerned with my nails and skin, I only wanted them for my hair. To my surprise a week after taking them my skin looked better than I could’ve ever imagined. All the peeling had stopped, and my skin stayed moisturized even when I didn’t use any lotion. I fell off of taking the pills for a week and could immediately see it go back to its dry state. I new then that the vitamins had to become of a part of my daily beauty routine.
Key Ingredients
I was so excited to see that the vitamins were made with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. This is always a plus in my book, and I’m always amazed how many health supplements still use these as their key ingredients.
How To Use Them
The directions state to take three pills daily with food. I take them with my breakfast every morning. Some people say that they only take two a day and they’ve seen amazing results. I tried this for a few days and my skin was just as radiant, and moisturized like when I take three. So if you’re worried about taking too many pills, taking two will do.
Things To Look Out For
These pills worked great for me and I’m so happy I came across them. However, I’ve read some reviews where some people had complained about the biotin giving them acne. I believe this could be since they already had oily skin. I would only recommend taking the pills if you’ve got dry skin. For those of you who have regular to oily skin I would recommend using their formula that doesn’t include biotin, so you can still get the amazing benefits of beautiful nails and hair.