Confessions Of a Yoga Pants Hoarder: How I Get The Best Deals On Yoga Attire
by: Dominica Reid
Image: Dominica Reid/Caleb Morris
Oops I did it again (and no this is not the beginning of a Britney Spears song), I hit the buy button on Amazon and got myself yet another pair of yoga pants. Adding an additional pair to my every increasing collection. But you can’t really blame me. Amazon makes it so easy, all I had to do was hit the buy–with-one-click button, and the pants are on their way to my home. Plus I’ve been eyeing these pair for a few weeks now, and they just went on sale so how could I pass up this amazing deal? Yea, these are the excuses that I tell myself. But what can I do? Yoga pants are super comfortable, and with studio to street wear becoming ever more popular it’s completely socially acceptable to wear yoga attire to my Saturday brunch dates with my friends. With brands like Lululemon, Athleta and Alo, there are so many different choices to pick from. However the cost of these pants can be very hard on my wallet.
Image: Dominica Reid/Caleb Morris
I got these Alo Yoga pants for a steal on Poshmark. I paid $15.00 for them and they looked brand new.
With some of these pants going for over a hundred dollars a piece I can’t afford to spend that kind of money all of the time, and over the years I have perfected my money saving tricks. Here are my favorite online stores to get my favorite yoga brands for the best prices. One of my absolute favorite clothes-buying app is Poshmark. I started using the app when I realized that my closet was overflowing with a bunch of clothes I wasn’t wearing. Trying to make a profit, I realized that a lot of people were selling some high quality items. I started looking for workout gear. If you don’t mind purchasing used clothes then this app will become your best friend. I cannot count how many great pairs of yoga pants I have gotten from this site. Some have even been brand new with tags. Just download the app and see for yourself.
Another app that I like buying yoga attire from is Mecari. Mecari is much like Poshmark where users can sell used and new clothing. A lot of sellers on Poshmark will sell on the Mecari app too, because they can avoid some of the high fees that are on Poshmark. Often times they will hint that they are selling the same item for much cheaper on Mecari. One set back of this app is that it’s not just a clothes selling/buying app. Users can sell almost anything on it, so at times it’s difficult to find things. I also don’t like that you can’t make private offers on items like on Poshmark, all discourse goes through the messaging board for everyone to see.
I can't believe I got these while writing this article. What a coincidence, and what a great deal!
As I have previously mentioned, Amazon is a great place to find some of my favorite yoga brands for an affordable price, and it’s kind of a funny story, but as I’m writing this article I just purchased a pair of the popular Alo Yoga Moto leggings for $66.00. They usually go for a $110.00, but Amazon will sometimes run specials on select colors and sizes. So if there’s a pair of pants that you have been keeping your eye on, check Amazon to see if they are running any deals. I just saved $44.00 by checking Amazon.
I hope you all found these money saving tricks helpful. Please let me know where you find great deals on some of the hottest brands in yoga and workout attire? I always love to learn new ways on how to save money.