How to Make a Vision Board
Image: Dominica Reid
The very first time I heard of vision boarding was at a health and fitness festival. I was pretty down in the dumps at that time, exhausted, and overworked. My boyfriend (now husband) found out that there was going to be a yoga festival and he convinced me to go. After long thoughts and my usual overthinking, I decided to go and felt that maybe this festival would give me just the right push to get me exercising and being healthy again. Before heading to the festival I had to choose a number of workshops that I wanted to attend. I decided to go for the yoga workshops, I wanted to go in there and get a real exercise in. A lot of yoga workshops were full, so I reluctantly decided to sign up for the vision boarding class, and I am so glad that I did!
Vision boarding is a great tool to help you organize and focus on your goals and dreams. They can help you stay focused on the things you want to accomplish in your life. They are kind of like a to do list for your dreams and goals. The great thing about them is that they are also very easy to do. The first time I made my vision board all I used was magazine cut out, a big poster board, markers/sharpies and glue. While relaxing music was playing in the background and being surrounded by positivity, I cut, glued, and created my vision board.
Image: Dominica Reid
I love using yoga, home improvement, and business magazine. They align most with things that I want to accomplish. Always pick magazines that align with your interests as well as goals accomplishments.
Interested in creating one for yourself? Here are some easy steps before you start. Before creating your vision board close your eyes and meditate. Try and think about three major things in your life that make you the happiest and at peace. Then write those three things down on a small sheet of paper.
My vision board doesn’t only remind me of my goals and dreams, but it also keeps me motivated to continue to pursue them. The best part of having a vision board is looking at all of the things you’ve accomplished.
Image: Dominica Reid
Materials Needed for your Vision Board:
· Poster board, magnet board or cork board
· Scissors and glue (or magnets and pins)
· Old magazines (I prefer travel, leisure, or home decorating magazines)
· A visible place to display your board so you can see it every day and see the progress you’re making